BIC Building

We would like to hear feedback from the community concerning the options for the BIC Building (the Old High School) moving forward.

Panguitch Business Opportunity Center Rural Communities Opportunity Grant Project Proposal

Option A

Rural Communities Opportunity Grant

Panguitch City has been awarded the Rural Communities Opportunity Grant to start the renovation process of the BIC Building.

The Grant is for $365,930 with the city contributing 20% in matching funds totaling $73,186. The match is not in the current budget and the match will require finding additional funds by eliminating or reducing other services, taking the money out of the surplus account or raising taxes to find additional funding. Keep in mind this is just phase 1 there will be potential for 2 additional phases in the following years, each will require the city to produce 20% in matching funds if additional future grant funding can be obtained.

Note: A detail description of the grant proposal is attached.


Option B

Garfield County School District

Per the original sale agreement of the old high school (BIC building) to the city, if the building and property became available the school district could have the first option to purchase the property back for $1 if it was needed for school expansion or student needs.

The School District has expressed a desire to purchase back from the city the parcel of land with the BIC Building (old high school property).

The request from the school district is to help with possible phased construction of District buildings in Panguitch. Specifically, the high school, middle school, and district office. The school district is exploring different possible options to build a new middle school and district office as a combined building to replace the less than adequate middle school. That will allow the current middle school to be used during construction and for enough space afterward to build a phase of the high school on its grounds.

One of the challenges for the school district project is having spaces for students to continue attending school while construction is being done. It’s our current belief that Career and Technology Education (CTE) facilities will be done on the Bus Depot property in the future. Therefore, our area to construct buildings near the current campuses is extremely limited. Getting back the old High School property would help in developing the new building plans.

The district is committed to working with its local governments and Panguitch City in possible developing facilities that the City and School can use jointly such as meeting space or a new gym facility.

Current BIC building occupants would be displaced as the building would be torn down with this option.


Option C

Continue With Current Building

Do nothing and let the building continue to deteriorate.

Please leave us your feedback 

Sorry no more feedback at this time.